Decoding Dyslexia MD would like to join together with our parents and educators during October to celebrate our community. In an effort to increase dyslexia awareness in Maryland we are asking you to consider hosting a Dyslexia Support Group during the month of October. Big or Small each gathering will make a difference to our community.
Below is a step by step how to guide to host your support group meeting, to include printable sheets, flyers and topic suggestions. The Support Guide is courtesy of our friends at DD-VA -- when we join together we accomplish so much more. There is nothing better than hearing the words “Me Too” from someone on a similar journey.
How-to-Guide: Organizing a Dyslexia Support Meeting
Commit to holding a support meeting
- Pick a date and time
- Choose a venue
- Library
- Schools
- Community Centers
- Churches
- Starbucks, Panera or coffee shop
- Homes
- Contact DD-MD asap with your event details, we will share and publicize on our social media platforms
- Advertise
- Local distribution lists
- Produce a paper flyer (optional) Template
- Word of mouth
- School PTAs
- Your personal social media pages
- Create a topic focus
- Start a discussion based on a specific IDA fact sheet
- Discuss getting involved at a local/state/federal level
- IEPs or 504 Accommodations, “what works”
- Assistive technology (demonstration)
- Invite a professional in the field of dyslexia to share their expertise (optional)
- Watch Embracing Dyslexia or another related film
- Planning & Implementation:
- Bring refreshments or not (it’s been done successfully both ways)
- Gather resources: DD-VA Resources and DD-MD Resources and What You Can Do Resources
- Set up a Resource table -- distribute IDA Fact Sheets or printouts from the above resources
- Borrow resources from your county library or friends to display
- Use a sign in sheet (check this link to see what info. DD-MD needs you to include on a sign in sheet) to have attendees entered into our database for future communication
- Have name tags and pens available (optional)
- DD-MD mission statement and goals one pager available to introduce the grassroots movement
- A "Who We are Fact Sheet"
- Highlight the support meetings as a place to build community and lend support to each other
- Introduce discussion topic
- Facilitate questions and conversations
- Steer discussion into solution driven areas if one or more of your attendees gets ‘unnecessarily’ negative for an extended time
- Close with appreciation for parents taking the time to join DD-MD
- Take pictures for DD-MD to post on social media platforms
6. After the Meeting
- Follow up on questions posed during your group meeting
- Send photos to DD-MD
- Send sign up sheet to Laura Schultz to be entered into our DD-MD database