National Organizations Begin to "Say Dyslexia"
The principles cover topics such as instruction and intervention, collaboration among team members, parent and family engagement, the use of screening, response to intervention, data based decision making and other important factors involved in pre-referral prevention and referral/evaluation and eligibility decisions for special education services for SLDs like dyslexia.
Click here to read “Eligibility for Special Education Under a Specific Learning Disability Classification.”
It is important to note that this is a consensus document. The Principles are not 100% aligned to DDMD's views on "saying dyslexia", the specific value of cognitive evaluations, and robust parent engagement. Continued participation in the SLD Working Group will allow dyslexia advocates the opportunity to further develop Best Practice documents as well as work alongside national groups who, until recently, did not "say dyslexia". Working group members hope to continue to build relationships and understanding around the needs of the dyslexia community.
The next steps include development and release of several Best Practice documents. In the coming months, the Working Group organizations will recommend best practices for SLD eligibility, cognitive evaluations, response to intervention/MTSS (done well and including dyslexia), parent engagement & a dyslexia guidance following the federal Dept. of Education OSERS 2016 Guidance.
More information:
General advocacy information for learning disability can be found here: