Whereas, Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that is neurobiological in origin and is characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities; and
Whereas, Early diagnosis and identification of dyslexia is critical to ensure that individuals with dyslexia receive focused, evidenced-based intervention that leads to the promotion of self-awareness and self-empowerment and the provision of necessary accommodations to ensure school and life success; and
Whereas, teachers and students across the State of Maryland benefit from increased educator professional training about dyslexia and the evidence-based teaching strategies designed to better identify and educate students with dyslexia; and
Whereas, All citizens are urged to offer support to those affected by dyslexia and recognize the dedicated efforts of those who are working to raise awareness and understanding in order to identify, treat and prevent problems associated with dyslexia.
NOW, THEREFORE, I Lawrence J. Hogan, Jr, Governor of the State of Maryland, do hereby proclaim OCTOBER, 2015 as Dyslexia Awareness Month in Maryland, and commend this observance to all of our citizens.