The State of Reading & Dyslexia in Maryland
Reading & Dyslexia Policy Solutions FREE EVENT, REGISTER HERE Thursday, February 2, 2017 ~ Room 180 ~ Lowe House Office Building, Annapolis, Maryland 2016 was a year of solution finding for families and educators concerned about access to effective instruction for dyslexia and reading. The “Task Force to Implement a Dyslexia Education Program in Maryland” completed its recommendations and provided a report to the Maryland General Assembly and the Governor. The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) developed a Technical Assistance Bulletin on Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) with a focus on dyslexia to help facilitate and implement effective instruction for students with dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia. But we must do more. Join us to learn about dyslexia and reading solutions that will narrow the reading and writing achievement gap in Maryland. Many students with average to above average intelligence have trouble learning to read, write and/or spell in Maryland public schools. The 2016 Maryland state assessment (PARCC) for 4th grade students shows that 91% of special education, 77% of African American, 98% of limited English proficiency and 79% of students in poverty are not on grade level for reading and writing. Maryland can change this outcome with your help. |
Dyslexia Advocacy Day 2017
PROGRAM 8:00 - 9:00am -- Community Partner Open House 8:00am -- Delegate Al Carr, Montgomery County, Welcome Message 9:00 - 9:20am -- Lisa Blottenberger: Decoding Dyslexia Maryland: The Science of Reading: How to Help Struggling Readers Thrive! 9:20 - 9:35am -- Dr. Joan Mele-McCarthy: Chair, Task Force to Implement a Dyslexia Education Program in MD: Best Practices to Serve Students with Dyslexia in Maryland: Task Force Update 9:35 - 9:45am -- Delegate Anne Kaiser: Chair, House Education Subcommittee, D-Montgomery What Legislators Need to Know About Dyslexia & Reading 9:45 - 10:00am -- Marcella Franczkowski: Assistant State Superintendent, Special Education & Early Intervention Services, MSDE: Newly Released Technical Assistance Bulletin Drives Identification and Instruction for Students with Disabilities & Dyslexia 10:00 - 10:10am -- Susie Fowler: Director of Special Education, St. Mary's County: Practical Advice on How to Implement the Dyslexia Technical Assistance Bulletin 10:10 - 10:20am -- Rick Smith, CEO, International Dyslexia Association: How Revisions to University Accreditation on Reading will Improve Student Learning 10:20 - 10:30am -- Laura Schultz: Decoding Dyslexia Maryland: ACT-vocate for Dyslexia 10:30 - 11:45am -- BREAK -- Pre-scheduled individual/group legislator meetings 12:00 - 1:00pm -- Panel Discussion (see below) Lunch & Panel Discussion: Reading & Dyslexia Policy Solutions
12:00 - 1:00pm
PANELISTS -- Moderator: Karleen Spitulnik, Decoding Dyslexia MD, State Leader
1:00 - 4:00pm -- Pre-scheduled legislator meetings |
Downloadable Advocacy Day Flyer, 3-color, Legislator Invite
Downloadable Dyslexia Advocacy Day Panel, Multi-color Legislator Invite
Downloadable Advocacy Day Flyer, Public Flyer Invite
Downloadable Advocacy Day Program, 2017

media_advisory_dyslexia_student_panelists.pdf |