Where: Lowe House Office Building, 6 Bladen Street, Annapolis, MD, Room 145 (map)
Who: Parents, Families, Teachers, Advocates, Tutors, Professionals, Students with Dyslexia
What: Meet and Greet, Information and Resources, Presentations, Legislator Visits Where: Annapolis, Maryland -- Maryland General Assembly
Please join us in Annapolis to raise awareness and educate legislators about dyslexia. It is important that legislators know what dyslexia is and learn about the student/family struggle to read, write and spell in the public school setting. Light food and beverages will be provided.
DD-MD and our Community Partners encourage families and individuals who join us on March 18th to reach out to your legislators to set up meetings and briefings on dyslexia. The goal of the day is to educate as many State Delegates and Senators as possible.
Talking points and a briefing will be provided -- stay tuned for more information!
Find Your State Legislators: Click box in upper right hand corner after clicking this link!
How to Contact Your State Legislator & What to Say
Talking Points for Decoding Dyslexia MD
Bullet Points for Legislators
Why We Need To Change Reading Education
Who is DD-MD
Sponsored and organized by: Decoding Dyslexia MD & DD-MD Community Partners
For more information, please call 703-477-4847 or email [email protected]