If you live in Maryland and would like to start a DD Parent Support Network in your area, DD-MD will help support and guide you to get off the ground. Following are some resources to get you started. If you have questions, please email [email protected].
How-to Organize a Dyslexia Parent Support Meeting (Downloadable Version Here)
- Pick a date and time
- Choose a venue
- Library
- Schools
- Community Centers
- Churches
- Starbucks, Panera or coffee shop
- Homes
- Contact DD-MD asap with your event details, we will share and publicize on our social media platforms
- Advertise
- Local distribution lists
- Produce a paper flyer (optional) Template
- Word of mouth
- School PTAs
- Your personal social media pages
- Create a regional/county Decoding Dyslexia Facebook Page and/or Group -- format is simple: Decoding Dyslexia, [Insert County or Region] Maryland
- Create a topic focus
- Start a discussion based on a specific IDA fact sheet
- Discuss getting involved at a local/state/federal level
- IEPs or 504 Accommodations, “what works”
- Assistive technology (demonstration)
- Invite a professional in the field of dyslexia to share their expertise (optional)
- Watch Embracing Dyslexia or another related film
- Planning & Implementation:
- Bring refreshments or not (it’s been done successfully both ways)
- Gather resources: DD-VA Resources and DD-MD Resources and What You Can Do Resources
- Set up a Resource table -- distribute IDA Fact Sheets or printouts from the above resources
- Borrow resources from your county library or friends to display
- Use a sign in sheet (check this link to see what info. DD-MD needs you to include on a sign in sheet) to have attendees entered into our database for future communication
- Have name tags and pens available (optional)
- DD-MD mission statement and goals one pager available to introduce the grassroots movement
- A "Who We are Fact Sheet"
- Highlight the support meetings as a place to build community and lend support to each other
- Introduce discussion topic
- Facilitate questions and conversations
- Steer discussion into solution driven areas if one or more of your attendees gets ‘unnecessarily’ negative for an extended time
- Close with appreciation for parents taking the time to join DD-MD
- Take pictures for DD-MD to post on social media platforms
6. After the Meeting
- Follow up on questions posed during your group meeting
- Send photos to DD-MD
- Send sign up sheet to Laura Schultz to be entered into our DD-MD database