Press Release:
Washington, D.C.- House Dyslexia Caucus Co-chairs Reps. Lamar Smith (R-TX) and Julia Brownley (D-CA) today praised language in the Fiscal Year 2016 House Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations report that would for the first time identify dyslexia as a priority for National Science Foundation research. Smith and Brownley requested that the language be added.
Congressman Smith: “I’ve had the opportunity to spend time with students with dyslexia of all ages in my district in Texas. Dyslexia research continues to improve lives, enhance learning, and assist in early detection and intervention. I thank CJS Appropriations Chairman and fellow Texan John Culberson for his work to highlight this critical issue. Although dyslexia research has been funded by NSF in the past, this language specifically encourages dyslexia research.”
Congresswoman Brownley: “I am pleased that the Appropriations Committee included the language requested by Chairman Smith and me to H.R. 2578 supporting research at the National Science Foundation on dyslexia and other learning disabilities. Advances in neuroscience which further our understanding of how the mind works will ensure that students with learning disabilities are identified at an early age and receive the most effective, science-based support in school.”
The bipartisan Dyslexia Caucus was created to serve as a task force to increase public awareness about the disorder and ensure that students who suffer from it receive fair and equal opportunity and treatment.
Below is the language Smith and Brownley worked to add to the appropriations bill.
Dyslexia.—The Committee encourages NSF to continue funding meritorious research on dyslexia and other learning disabilities.
As many as one out of six U.S. school children may have dyslexia. As many as 85 percent of students with learning disabilities have dyslexia alone or with other conditions.