Decoding Dyslexia Maryland and The Reading League Announce Alliance
The Kirwan Commission and the State of Maryland will release $312 million over the next 5 years to provide reading screening and interventions to struggling readers. Although there are many reasons students struggle to learn to read, one important factor is instruction that is not aligned to the science of reading. A recent podcast and national conversation on reading called "Hard Words: Why Aren't Kids Being Taught to Read" documents the problem.
Both organizations plan to provide educators with opportunities to improve student outcomes through evidence aligned reading instruction and interventions. #knowbetterdobetter #soallcanread
Full Text of Press Release: DDMD and Reading League Alliance
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Contact: Toni Ann Walsh
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Decoding Dyslexia Maryland and The Reading League Announce Alliance
Reading advocates & educators set to boost the use of evidence aligned reading instruction in Maryland public schools
July 9, 2019, Baltimore, Maryland. Decoding Dyslexia Maryland (DDMD) and The Reading League (TRL) announced today they have formalized their strong relationship and are now Alliance Partners. DDMD and TRL share a mission to raise awareness about reading difficulties and increase the use and understanding of science-based reading instruction. By partnering, the two organizations can help provide teachers and school administrators with access to evidence-aligned reading practices so all students have the opportunity to learn to read.
Decoding Dyslexia has raised awareness of the importance of effective reading instruction and The Reading Leagueworks with educators to boost their knowledge and skills to fulfill that mission. “The decision to ally with The Reading League underscores Decoding Dyslexia Maryland’s commitment to closing the reading gap in Maryland,” said Karleen Spitulnik, Decoding Dyslexia Maryland State Leader. “Too many school districts use instruction and curriculum that is not based on the science of how students learn to read -- more than half of all Maryland students struggle with reading,” she continued. The Maryland Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education, or the “Kirwan Commission,” acknowledged the gap in reading skills when they funded the $312 million “Transitional Supplemental Instruction” program where each school district is required to provide supplemental reading instruction to students who read below grade level.
The Reading League produces relevant, accessible literacy content for educators, created by some of the top literacy experts in the country. “We feel it is imperative that DDMD help connect educators in Maryland with the extensive knowledge base offered by TRL to bridge the knowledge and practice gap in literacy instruction for educators,” said Dr. Maria Murray, Founder and CEO of The Reading League (TRL).
“The Reading League is comprised of a diverse group of professionals and advocates, all committed to improving educator knowledge of reading instruction in order to improve reading outcomes for children and adults,” explained Dr. Murray. “As a result of decades of research from a number of fields, we have the knowledge and practice needed to teach reading to educators. Decoding Dyslexia chapters like Maryland are a perfect example of the professionals who are extending the reach of evidence aligned best practices for reading into each classroom.”
About Decoding Dyslexia Maryland
Decoding Dyslexia Maryland (DDMD) is a grassroots movement driven by Maryland parents, educators and students concerned about reading instruction and interventions for all students, including those with dyslexia, in Maryland Public Schools. 3 minute video that includes parent, student, expert and educator reflections on the Ready to Read Act
About The Reading League
The Reading League is a non-profit organization that offers innovative and meaningful professional development to thousands of educators through bimonthly Live Events, and through an annual conference that features reading experts from across the US and around the globe. TRL also partners with individual schools and districts to disseminate research findings on approaches to teaching reading that achieve maximum instructional impact, and provide school-based coaches to support educators in order to refine literacy practices. For more information contact: Dr. Maria Murray, CEO of TRL at [email protected]. Join TRL for free by visiting, or like TRL’s Facebook page at

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