The Early Literacy and Dyslexia Practices - Guidance and Assistance Bills, HB 237 & SB 126, are a cost-effective way to provide guidance to school districts who are charged with making decisions on screening and interventions for reading. Schools will have at least $171.5 million state and federal dollars to recover student learning and close reading gaps targeted to students who need support learning to read. Another $2.5 billion in education block grants for recovery will also be available for professional learning, screening, instruction and interventions for students. A Reading & Dyslexia Handbook is an essential tool that can help school districts develop budgets and programs to accelerate learning & support positive student outcomes. It’s a win-win for parents, students and school systems. Status The Reading and Dyslexia Handbook bill passed the House of Delegates unanimously in February. Hearings were held in both the Senate and the House in late January and at this point House Bill 237 needs to be voted out of the Senate Education Committee (EHEA) so it can be voted on by the whole Senate -- otherwise it will die in the Senate Committee on Education, Health and Environmental Affairs (EHEA). More information on the bills: House Bill 237 and Senate Bill 126. | ![]()
Action Steps
Email, Call or Meet with your Senator
- Send an email and/or ask for a virtual meeting with your Senator to request that the Senate Education Committee consider and vote favorably for the Reading and Dyslexia Handbook legislation.
- If your Senator is not a member of the Senate Education Committee, please let him or her know that this bill is critical to ensure instructional equity so that all students learn to read & to ensure that federal and state funding to remediate reading difficulties are well spent. This bill is cost effective and widely supported (see below).
- Use the Legislative Action Toolkit for sample email language, Senator email addresses and other important information.