How You Can Help! Contact the Ways and Means Committee Members and tell them:
Ways & Means Committee Montgomery County: Del Sheila Hixson (District 20) Delegate Anne Kaiser( District 14), Delegate Andrew Platt (District 17) Baltimore County: Del. Robert Long (District 6), Del. Ric Metzger ( District 6) Del Eric Ebersole (District 12) Howard County: Del. Frank Turner ( District 13), Del.Eric Ebersole ( District 12) Prince George's Country: Del Darryl Barnes (District 25) Del. Diana Fennell ( District 47A), Del. Jimmy Tarlau (District 47A), Del. Jay Walker (District 26), Delegate Alonzo Washington ( District 22), Delegate Carolyn Howard ( District 24) Frederick and Carroll Counties: Delegate Kathy Afzali (District 4), Del Haven Shoemaker (District 5) Baltimore City : Delegate Mary Washington ( District 43) Anne Arundel County : Delegate Meagan Simonaire ( District 31B) Allegheny County: Del. Jason Buckel ( District 1B) Cecil County : Del. Kevin Hornberger ( District 47A) Cecil and Harford Counties : Del. Teresa Reilly (District 35B) Charles County : Del. Edith Patterson ( District 28) | HB 763 by Del. Cullison (D-Montgomery) would establish a Task Force to study Effectiveness of Teacher Education Programs in the Instruction of Reading. A hearing was held March 5 at 1:00pm -- CLick here to read DD-MD testimony in support of HB 763 Click here to Watch Testimony (Delegate Cullison, 3:15:13) Bill Synopsis:
On or before Dec. 31, 2015, the Task Force shall report its finding and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly. This act shall take effect on July 1, 2015. HB 763 is scheduled for a hearing on March 5 at 1pm. DD-MD will offer testimony to support this legislation. Anyone is allowed to testify at bill hearings -- here's a link to the testimony requirements. If you would like to testify, the best way to do so is to follow the letter format linked below on how to call, write, email your legislator. If you are interested in bills that impact reading & dyslexia, please follow their progress, hearings and other activities by registering with the Maryland Legislature. HB 763: TEXT DD-MD Testimony Track Items of Interest Legislative Information for HB 763 Who is My Legislator? Call, Write or Email Your Legislator Sample Appointment Letter Letter/Email to Your Legislator/Governor to Support HB 763 Dear (name): I am very concerned about reading instruction in the state of Maryland. In 2012, Governor Scott Walker took the lead in Wisconsin to create a task force called Read to Lead, recognizing that there is no skill more important to future success than reading. After many years of research , we have the knowledge of the nature, causes , and treatments for reading difficulties. We also know that the classroom teacher has a significant impact on student outcomes. Dr. Louisa Moats, a nationally recognized expert in reading writes, "If the classroom teacher does not know what a reading disability looks like, what causes it, or what science says can be done about it, the affected students will languish and suffer. On the other hand, a well-trained and well-equipped teacher can make a huge difference to a student's eventual outcomes." There is a big void in the world of teacher training standards which have not been aligned with scientific research and which are not rigorous and measurable. In 2012, the American Federation of Teachers called for a "more rigorous threshold to ensure that every teacher is actually ready to teach. All prospective teachers should meet a universal and rigorous bar that gauges mastery of subject matter knowledge and demonstrates competency." The foundation of knowledge in reading is comparable to teaching anatomy to medical students so that they can better practice medicine. It is not a curriculum, but that on which a curriculum is based. Maryland requires no test of knowledge of the foundations of reading. HB 763 creates a Task Force to study this issue and make recommendations. State data shows that a large number of students are not literate -- we need to change education to close that gap. Sincerely, Your Name Address Phone |