- Atlantic Seaboard Dyslexia Education Center (ASDEC)
- Anne Arundel Conflict Resolution Center (AACRC)
- Baltimore Lab School
- bowman educational services, Inc.
- Caitlin Dunning, Psy.D. LLC
- Cardinal Reading Strategies, LLC
- Chelsea School
- Creative Learning Experiences
- D.C. Capital Area Branch, International Dyslexia Association (DCIDA)
- Educational Learning and Training, LLC
- Glenwood Academy
- Guiding Exceptional Parents, LLC
- International Dyslexia Association, Maryland Branch (IDAMD)
- Janice C. C. Lepore, Psy.D. and Associates, LLC
- Jemicy School
- Law Office of Brian K. Gruber, P.C.
- Learning Disabilities Association of Maryland (LDA-MD)
- Lindamood-Bell
- The Maryland Association of Nonpublic Special Education Facilities (MANSEF)
- McLean School
- Multisensory Math
- NeuroBehavioral Associates
- Radcliffe Creek School
- Readventures, LLC
- RSI - Rehabilitation Services, Inc.
- SpellRead P.A.T.
- SPIRE/School Specialty
- State of Maryland Literacy Association (SoMLA)
- The Attention Fix Educational Consulting, LLC
- The Highlands School
- The Lab School
- The Law Offices of Nicole Joseph
- The Learning Curve, LLC
Dyslexia Advocacy Day 2017
8:00 - 9:00am -- Community Partner Open House
8:00am -- Delegate Al Carr, Montgomery County, Welcome Message
9:00 - 9:20am -- Lisa Blottenberger: Decoding Dyslexia Maryland: The Science of Reading: How to Help Struggling Readers Thrive!
9:20 - 9:35am -- Dr. Joan Mele-McCarthy: Chair, Task Force to Implement a Dyslexia Education Program in MD: Best Practices to Serve Students with Dyslexia in Maryland: Task Force Update
9:35 - 9:45am -- Delegate Anne Kaiser: Chair, House Education Subcommittee, D-Montgomery
What Legislators Need to Know About Dyslexia & Reading
9:45 - 10:00am -- Marcella Franczkowski: Assistant State Superintendent, Special Education & Early Intervention Services, MSDE: Newly Released Technical Assistance Bulletin Drives Identification and Instruction for Students with Disabilities & Dyslexia
10:00 - 10:10am -- Susie Fowler: Director of Special Education, St. Mary's County: Practical Advice on How to Implement the Dyslexia Technical Assistance Bulletin
10:10 - 10:20am -- Rick Smith, CEO, International Dyslexia Association: How Revisions to University Accreditation on Reading will Improve Student Learning
10:20 - 10:30am -- Laura Schultz: Decoding Dyslexia Maryland: ACT-vocate for Dyslexia
10:30 - 11:45am -- BREAK -- Pre-scheduled individual/group legislator meetings
12:00 - 1:00pm -- Panel Discussion (see below)
8:00 - 9:00am -- Community Partner Open House
8:00am -- Delegate Al Carr, Montgomery County, Welcome Message
9:00 - 9:20am -- Lisa Blottenberger: Decoding Dyslexia Maryland: The Science of Reading: How to Help Struggling Readers Thrive!
9:20 - 9:35am -- Dr. Joan Mele-McCarthy: Chair, Task Force to Implement a Dyslexia Education Program in MD: Best Practices to Serve Students with Dyslexia in Maryland: Task Force Update
9:35 - 9:45am -- Delegate Anne Kaiser: Chair, House Education Subcommittee, D-Montgomery
What Legislators Need to Know About Dyslexia & Reading
9:45 - 10:00am -- Marcella Franczkowski: Assistant State Superintendent, Special Education & Early Intervention Services, MSDE: Newly Released Technical Assistance Bulletin Drives Identification and Instruction for Students with Disabilities & Dyslexia
10:00 - 10:10am -- Susie Fowler: Director of Special Education, St. Mary's County: Practical Advice on How to Implement the Dyslexia Technical Assistance Bulletin
10:10 - 10:20am -- Rick Smith, CEO, International Dyslexia Association: How Revisions to University Accreditation on Reading will Improve Student Learning
10:20 - 10:30am -- Laura Schultz: Decoding Dyslexia Maryland: ACT-vocate for Dyslexia
10:30 - 11:45am -- BREAK -- Pre-scheduled individual/group legislator meetings
12:00 - 1:00pm -- Panel Discussion (see below)
The State of Reading & Dyslexia in Maryland
Creating and Sustaining Reading Achievement Through Teacher Training
Thursday, February 2, 2017 ~ Room 180 ~ Lowe House Office Building, Annapolis, Maryland
2016 was a year of solution finding for families and educators concerned about access to effective instruction for dyslexia and reading. The “Task Force to Implement a Dyslexia Education Program in Maryland” completed its recommendations and provided a report to the Maryland General Assembly and the Governor. The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) developed a Technical Assistance Bulletin on Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) with a focus on dyslexia to help facilitate and implement effective instruction for students with dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia.
But we must do more. Join us to learn about dyslexia and reading solutions that will narrow the reading and writing achievement gap in Maryland. Many students with average to above average intelligence have trouble learning to read, write and/or spell in Maryland public schools. The 2016 Maryland state assessment (PARCC) for 4th grade students shows that 91% of special education, 77% of African American, 98% of limited English proficiency and 79% of students in poverty are not on grade level for reading and writing. Maryland can change this outcome with your help.
Creating and Sustaining Reading Achievement Through Teacher Training
Thursday, February 2, 2017 ~ Room 180 ~ Lowe House Office Building, Annapolis, Maryland
2016 was a year of solution finding for families and educators concerned about access to effective instruction for dyslexia and reading. The “Task Force to Implement a Dyslexia Education Program in Maryland” completed its recommendations and provided a report to the Maryland General Assembly and the Governor. The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) developed a Technical Assistance Bulletin on Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) with a focus on dyslexia to help facilitate and implement effective instruction for students with dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia.
But we must do more. Join us to learn about dyslexia and reading solutions that will narrow the reading and writing achievement gap in Maryland. Many students with average to above average intelligence have trouble learning to read, write and/or spell in Maryland public schools. The 2016 Maryland state assessment (PARCC) for 4th grade students shows that 91% of special education, 77% of African American, 98% of limited English proficiency and 79% of students in poverty are not on grade level for reading and writing. Maryland can change this outcome with your help.
2015 Events
Town Hall Panel Discussion on Reading & Dyslexia: Saturday, October 10, 2015
Why Aren't All Maryland Students Learning to Read? How to Close the Reading Gap More than 200 parents, teachers and students joined Decoding Dyslexia Maryland for a critical panel discussion on literacy practices and solutions in Maryland public schools. The quality of teacher instruction on literacy provided by Maryland institutions of higher education is one factor that seriously impacts student literacy achievement. As the demands of society change, proficient literacy levels are required to enable students to participate fully in the workforce and in their community. Standards and certification in reading and literacy are needed to ensure literacy for all students. Literacy by the Numbers:
Panelists & Keynote Biographies Town Hall Program & Partners Keynote: News Anchor Deborah Weiner, WBAL11 Baltimore Panelists & Schedule 2:45-3:30 Information Tables // Refreshments 3:30-3:40 Welcome: Lisa Blottenberger: Decoding Dyslexia Maryland 3:40-3:45 Keynote Introduction: Dr. Fran Levin Bowman: Educational Specialist, bowman educational services, inc. 3:45-4:00 Keynote Speaker: Deborah Weiner: News Anchor, WBAL 11, Baltimore 4:00-4:10 Moderator: Katharina Boser: Ph.D., Glen Elg School: Panelist Introductions 4:10-5:30 Panelist Questions 5:30-5:45 Audience Questions & Answers 5:45-6:00 Closing Remarks: DD-MD Call to Action Panelists How to Close the Reading Gap: The Problems Student with dyslexia: Paul Nebel, St. Mary's County Public Schools Parent of Student with dyslexia: Christine Bellotti, Montgomery County Teacher of students with reading struggles & dyslexia: Lavaunda Roundtree, Special Educator, Anne Arundel County Public Schools How to Close the Reading Gap: The Solutions The Neurological Underpinnings of Reading: Dr. Donald Bolger, Associate Professor in the Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology at the University of Maryland. What Teachers Need to Know to Teach Reading to all Students: Mary Stowe, Reading, Inclusion Specialist, William & Mary School of Education, Training and Technical Assistance Center How to Identify and Provide Effective Instruction to Struggling Readers: Marilyn Zecher, Certified Academic Language Therapist and President of the DC-Capital Area Branch of the International Dyslexia Association. Amy Siracusano, Teacher/Vice Principal/Teacher Trainer, Calvert County Public Schools For More Information: Dyslexia Talking Points Legislative Goals, DD-MD Dyslexia Stories to Share WHO IS MY LEGISLATOR? -- Click box in upper right-hand corner after clicking this link! |
Make appointments with your legislators in advance
Parking: Gott’s Garage, 2 blocks away All Parking Garages Navy-Marine Corps Stadium parking and shuttle (parking $5 a day, shuttle $4 round trip, cash only) Wear Red! |